Cody - The Corporate Cynic

Cody - The Corporate Cynic
Being Cautious is Being a Cynic

Monday, February 26, 2007

Corporate Lawyers: Leeches of Society

They exist to protect their clients. In this case fucking corporations, or companies. Lawyers don't produce any tangible product, they just read and quote rules, and go to court.

These in society like to sue people. Bully the little folk, and fuck them over. Usually this done by holding up the case in court years. The corporation has more money than us little folk. The end effect is the little folk is bankrupt paying lawyer fees (greedy basters), and the company wins by attrition

When two parties litigate in court, the , and the never win. It's the lawyers who get the majority of the $$$$. FOR WHAT????? It's the plantiff thats sufffered the most, not the lawyers, but yet the lawyers get paid more.

That's pretty fucked up if you ask me. are just plan bad for society

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Endless Meetings

Big are good at holding . People don't get anything done except talk. They don't have time to do the work they talked about because they are in meetings. Pretty fucked up if you asked me.

There is also a study that shows that make people , or dumberer. You get stuck in the "" syndrome.

Many times in a group the best options are not voiced, or discused. It's the option that discussed the most by the group.

Avoid endless meetings:

1. Don't work for a company
2. Dont' be a manager
3. Work alone, be a loner
4. Fuck everyone else and make an arbitrary call

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Busting Your Fucking Balls

Working can be a total Bitch if you ask me. Especially if other co-workers like , and have something against you. These co-workers never say "hi" to you, and basically pretend you don't fucking exist. You definitely know that if they had the chance, they would fucking .

Working is fucking hard enough already (if I didn't have do I wouldn't am not so lucky), to have people work against you.

Just to another twist, situation becomes worse when this co-worker is a long time friend of your boss's. Yeah, then they feel they can get away with anything. Now that's protection. If you ask me the co-worker is a "fucking whim", doesn't this person have anything better to do. APPARENTLY NOT!!!!!!!!!

Well, this person can "", and can go fuck itself.

Grass Root Campaigns, and Corporate Activism ROCK ON.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Corporate Transfers

use as pawns. You get moved from one project to another without much choice. You work to meet the bottomline for the corporation. If you are no longer beneficial to the bottomline, YOU ARE GONE!!!. You'll usually get a notice, or just plain , usually for not performing up to standards. Pretty fucked up, huh.

Unfortunately this is the truth about working for a large corporation.

How do you solve this problem?

1. Be the CEO (have a golden parachute)
2. Start your own small business ( you are the boss)
3. Be a founder of a large company ( you own a stake, say 10%)
4. Inherit money
5. Win the lottery
6. Collect unemployment.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dictionary of Corporate BullShit

Awesome reference. Something you can't do without. It's like looking through the looking glass of truth, where everything you see is true, with no false pretense. You can purchase this on

Below is the introduction:


Welcome home. The fact that you bought this book -- for yourself, for someone you love or care about, or for that matter, for someone you really, really hate with the proverbial intensity of 1,000 hot burning suns -- is a sign that you have crossed over to the land of those fed up with Corporate Bullshit. Feels so good!

The most important thing for you to know is that you are not alone. The crying jags in the bathroom; the overwhelming sense of injustice, underappreciation, frustration and duplicity; the impulse to inflict bodily harm on an extremely annoying or undermining coworker or boss, are all deeply familiar, and in fact, commonplace here. We all feel it. Around the country. Every day. And we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore.

Much has been written about the pervasive use of corporate "buzzwords" in business and office culture. At this point, that’s kind of an old story. This language was playfully lampooned through the popular "Buzzword Bingo"” game of the late 90s, and most people found this talk ridiculous, bloated, or mildly annoying at worst. But people were making money then, so it was all in good fun. As you probably know: times have changed.

Not only is corporate bullshit less amusing when paired with a "challenging" economic climate, but more people than ever before are using more bullshit.

A fast fact: It was recently estimated that as many as four out of every five employees use buzzwords to keep up with their colleagues, without "having a clue" as to what these words mean.

All the language is still there, injected into meaningless, marathon meetings, PowerPoint presentations, corporate memos, and "feedback" from your boss and "colleagues", but the fact is that corporate bullshit has taken over, tainting almost every interaction between the citizens of the business world. People have stopped communicating. They have, as you know, stopped talking to each other like normal people.

A new era of corporate bullshit is upon us, and it is far more sinister than the words some Bschool grad, crusty veteran or dot-com kid can dole out. It goes beyond empty phrases like "at the end of the day," "a sense of urgency" and "on the same page", and corrupts words like "lunch", "celebrate", "passion" and "commitment," which take on whole new meanings in this environment.

However, the most dangerous element of corporate bullshit is outside the realm of language altogether. This sickness has placed a stranglehold on our culture of work, affecting how we relate to and treat each other. It enables incompetence, iniquity and frankly, inhumanity. At this point, language is merely the vehicle through which the bullshit is communicated.

About ten years ago, I entered the workforce like so many other recent college grads: I was "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed", I was optimistic and ambitious, I wanted to work hard and well, and find my place in the professional world. (I was also a lot thinner.)

Needless to say, I got slammed — big time. I exerted a lot of pointless effort trying to make sense of the completely nonsensical, and find logic in a world where up is down and down is up. As they say: If I only knew then what I know now.

It’s too late for me, but it's probably not for so many of you. Forget The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Spend more time kissing ass, laughing disingenuously, blowing out your hair and playing golf. And, of course, studying this book -- because this is how it really works.

For those of you who find yourself with me in the great conference room, the collective "Town Hall" of the angry, fed-up and apathetic, I hope you’ll find comfort in seeing all of this bullshit out there in the open for all to see, and know, once and for all, that you’re not crazy.

They are.

Keep the faith,

Lois Beckwith

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oh No it's the Pigs- music video

Don't stand for . Defend and protect the victims of this injustice brought on by police. Speak up, demonstrate. Remember . are just the executing instrument of our city governments. They bring tyranny, and suppression to us. Continue the protesting, grass campaign, and defend against the tyranny of the government.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dancing on the ruins of multinational corporations.

: MultiNational corporations are ruining the world. , consipiracies, no more plastics, no more media brainwashing. Protest animal cruelty, and torturings. No more destroying of . Lets dance to the ruins of multinational corporations.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Corporate Snafus

Corporate Snafus hurts everyone. The most obvious is the companies reputiation. That were corporate activism come in. We need to catch all these fucking corporate snafus. If we don't who will? The next are the customers. Then lastly the employees.

There was situation with a where the checks were going to be delivered a week late. That fucking sucks. The corporate snafu was occurred because of change of pay periods, from bi-weekly to monthly.

The employees suffer because then haven't gotten paid. Work quality goes down. Customers suffer. is tarnished. Stockholders suffer.

To fight corporate snafu's we as need to bring corporate skeletons into the light of day.

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Corporate BullShit

, useless meetings, (no fun), (to make manager look good, and keep junior employees busy)

See the video below the postings.

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine's Day is a crock and sham

Valentine's Day is just to get the , and the rich. This is a huge conspiracy by the industries to us, and buy their products made using sweat shop labor.

What happen to just showing love, and afection? I would prefer somthing hand made than purchased. Relationships should not be based on materialistic items.

Here is a history lesson on , and it's original meaning, it's religious past.

Enjoy the

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lay-Off after relocation/transfer

One of the worst things to happen to an employee is, you get after you physically relocate to another location far, far away from your previous location. To make it worst, you have no way of getting back to your original location. That surely a bad deal, if you ask me. You lose your job, and you are far away from your comfortable surroundings, or family.

This definitely breeds , and . You feel fucked up, and don't want to do anything except stay home, watch daytime soap operas, and sleep. What a way to feel sorry for yourself.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Fight Against Mass Media

Fight and protest the . Fuck . Media Companies own everything. They have infiltrated the online world. Even media activists are failing in their mission. Make videos online, against mass media. Way to go for .

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Activism, corporate media censorship, comedy

the way to go. Spoof corporations, clone their advertising, make fun of them. Way to go for .

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Saturday, February 10, 2007


: Media owns everything. runs rampant everywhere. Fucking major companies are out to brain wash the world.

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