Cody - The Corporate Cynic

Cody - The Corporate Cynic
Being Cautious is Being a Cynic

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Corporate Transfers

use as pawns. You get moved from one project to another without much choice. You work to meet the bottomline for the corporation. If you are no longer beneficial to the bottomline, YOU ARE GONE!!!. You'll usually get a notice, or just plain , usually for not performing up to standards. Pretty fucked up, huh.

Unfortunately this is the truth about working for a large corporation.

How do you solve this problem?

1. Be the CEO (have a golden parachute)
2. Start your own small business ( you are the boss)
3. Be a founder of a large company ( you own a stake, say 10%)
4. Inherit money
5. Win the lottery
6. Collect unemployment.

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